The Advatages of Dry Ice Blasting

The Process

Dry ice particles vaporize on impact as they lift contaminants from the surface. This creates no secondary waste, dramatically reducing clean-up time. In addition, hazardous waste clean-ups benefit from no additional contaminated material being created in the cleaning process.

Environmentally Friendly

Dry ice is completely environmentally friendly and harmless to employees or customers. Utilizing absolutely no caustic chemicals or solvents, dry ice vaporizes into harmless carbon dioxide on impact.


Dry ice blasting allows you to clean equipment without disassembly, eliminating downtime. It is also faster than traditional cleaning, resulting in lower manpower costs.

How Does Dry Ice Blasting Actually Work?

Dry ice blasting is a process in which particles of solid carbon dioxide, commonly known as dry ice, are propelled at high velocity to impact and clean equipment, machinery, and structures without damage to electrical wiring, hoses, sensors, or other delicate components.

Traditional abrasive blasting methods clean through a chiseling action, like using a pick, but can damage the surface below. Dry ice, on the other hand, might better be compared to a spatula as it lifts away the contaminant.

dry ice blasting uses soft dry ice, accelerated at supersonic speeds, and creates mini-explosions on the surface to lift the undesirable item off the underlying substrate.This harmless explosion creates a shock wave between the coating and the surface and literally pops off contaminants from the inside out.

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